

Emerald City Shots

Here's a few photos from my last month at home in Seattle before leaving for Germany. 
Can't wait to go back and shoot more of this fabulous city that I have the privilege of calling home!

Experience Music Project (EMP), designed by Frank Gehry

EMP with the Monorail in front

Seattle's Symbol, The Space Needle

A Tourist checking his map in downtown

Wall close-up

Space Needle reflection

Cops on bicycles... gotta love the northwest :)

Another Space Needle reflection with the Fun Forest in the foreground

The Needle from 3rd & Vine

Great wall shot taken near the Pacific Science Center

Needle with green in the foreground, truly an Emerald city!

The Ruins, the private dining club and catering company, which I get to call my place of employment while I'm home :)


  1. Whoa, these are incredible. I think they are really strong alone but also work beautifully as a series. I can tell you have a very specific style - and I love it!

  2. Thanks, I'm glad you like the set, and thanks for the comment!


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